Digital Perm delivers the kind of bouncy curls and waves previously achievable only with the use of curling irons or hot rollers. After shampooing and drying, the curls appear as if by magic. At Lan Hair Design, we use Socius, which utilizes the latest technology to give superior results. This is a system in which the hair is curled by rods that steadily warm the hair. Because the hair “remembers” the waves, simply brushing through the hair with your hands is enough to bring the curls springing to life. Because of its long-lasting, big-bouncy and natural looking waves, our digital perm is loved by many clients who want a new look with wavy hair. If you are interested, we are happy to offer a free consultation to you so that we can check your hair condition and give you a quote prior to service. (Please note that if you have very fine hair or bleached hair, this service is not suitable.)